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Mountain Scene
These are some mountains that I just imagined in my mind when we were working on the project. I uses the line tool for most of the art work and then I used the pen to draw the snow on the mountains and color in the snow. I also used the paint bucket to paint most of it.
My House
This is a picture of my house. I used the line tool to outline my house and I then used the paint bucket tool to color my house in to make it look nicer. I’ve lived in this house for almost about 10 years now, which is crazy to think.
My logo
This is what I think represents me. The paint brush is cause I love art like drawing or sketching and the rifle is cause I have been doing color gaurd for the past 4 years and I adore it alot. I used the scanner to scan my work that was on paper and then i fixed it on the computer. When I was done fixing it I used the paint bucket tool to color it in.
My shoe
This is one of my favorite shoes to wear they are so comfy to wear. They are a black and white vans but I made them three shades of blue. I used the line tool to trace the picture of the shoe and then I used the paint bucket tool to paint it the blues I wanted it to be.
Shoe Repitition
This is really trippy when you think about it alot.This was like the easiest thing I did. I used my shoe desgin and I just kept copying and pasting it in a line till I filled it in sideways. Then i copied that line a couple times. And every other line they were upside down.
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